Introduction to the Author

Have you ever seen those old black-and-white comedic movies from the 1930s and 1940s, where every time the heroine’s life is finally going right, an odd, ironic twist or roadblock drops in her path? Then you know my life, and what happens is usually a mix of mayhem, humor and oddity.

The timing of how things happen can only be explained as the hand of a superior being adding the twist just to see what I’ll do, which is why, many times, I simply look skyward and say, “Really?”.  It also is how I came to the understanding and acceptance that I am God’s platypus.

I am proof, just like the platypus, that God has a sense of humor. There is a particular honor in being a platypus.

Many don’t understand when I say this. They think it is some kind of self-depreciating remark or it is a comment against God. It is far from either one.

I am proud to be a platypus, someone who doesn’t fit into any particular category but who has a wide selection of wonderful traits gathered from those around me.

While a platypus looks like it was made from the leftover scraps of many species of animals that somehow, surprisingly work, my life is a patchwork of scraps that also somehow, surprisingly work.

The weird ironies in my life I handle with my own particular knack that has made others around me shake their heads so often that I finally came to realize that I am the humor relief for them as well. Plus, they also told me I am.

There is something to be said in being be able to laugh at the oddest twists of fate and to have survived against all odds.

I know I will live a very long life. I am too entertaining here on Earth for God to allow me to leave.

And I’m okay with that. At least it is a job I do very well.